Why should I leave my love because they leave theirs?

“To Thine Own Heart Be True” – Many years ago, my mentor taught me something through his example.  I learned that being devoted to being true to my deep heart was going to make me strong enough to bear the various plus and minus forces of the world.

First I needed to get to know my true heart and then sort out the junk that was in my head, getting rid of what didn’t work and adhering to what made sense to me in the most meaningful way.  This was not a task for the wobbly legged…for sure.  I needed and sought help and it took years to digest what I learned and put it into practice.  I fumbled around in my human life experience and finally found a stable place to stand up and live…found my voice too…apparently, as you can see here. (warm smiles…)

Being true to my heart meant for me that I would lead my actions and considerations with love the best that I could.  Love for myself and others.  I found that when I could rise above my temperament to consider how I could let my ‘deeper wisdom heart’ lead in challenging situations, another layer of self-confidence would be the special gift of the day.

My mentor has long passed…and his words still echo in my mind, “Why should I leave my love because they left theirs?”

Forgiving = Letting go of holding things against myself and others.  This struck me deep in the younger years when I was studying ways to develop my own character…making the decisions of what I was going to value in life.  I could copy or mirror the behaviors and choices of my family and others that were my examples…or choose to discern what felt true deep inside of my gut and then do that.  I learned that everyone that had influence on my early life did the best they could with what they had.  I came to understand that holding ‘things’ in between myself and others in my mind and heart only made me unhappy.  Everyone does the best they can and we all have to find our own way with our own choices and the consequences, whatever they may be.  When I needed to take care of myself so I could make it through life, I did find the need to withdraw from certain relationships that only brought disharmony and stress.  Ultimately, I believe it worked out for the best.  New people came in that were more genuinely suited for me and I learned to love and enjoy in a new way…through honest and open relationship with people who had the same sense of purpose.

Finding Universal Love – Through my inner practices and truth-seeking I developed a special kind of universal love and respect for humanity…and then have spent the rest of my life and still, learning how to live that out in my daily life.  Love and Service makes sense to me as a lifestyle.  For me, this makes life worth living.

It was not easy to choose the way of my own intuitive vision, thinking and deep feelings about life.  I chose deep respect and consideration as my value system.  First respect for my own heart and life and consideration of my sensitivities and special needs.  Taking care of myself came first.  Then, I had lots of extra to give to others.  My insecurity started to dissipate and my mind cleared up from all the emotional swirl that had taken hold from following other people who were anxious, self-absorbed, controlling and temperamentally reactive in nature.  I learned to let myself love them, but still stand in the light of my own best judgment for my decisions.  Made a lot of mistakes and missteps along the way while I learned how to navigate in this world of so many opposing forces.  Found humility and did the best I could to fix what could be fixed and stood ready to bear my real life as I moved forward.  Sometimes it was scary, but ultimately my fear transformed into surety, purpose and direction.  I never turned back.

Love is my ‘north star’ – I don’t leave love because others leave or don’t even choose theirs.  This brings me deep fulfillment and helps me find strength from within myself in the face of adverse circumstances and challenges brought on by my own choices or by the world.  Love is my ‘north star’ and never leads me wrong.  Self-honesty keeps me grounded.  Reality became my friend as I learned to adjust to the parts I couldn’t change and learned to be creative with the options that were still available to me.  Compassion for myself and others allows for more space for learning and helps make sense out of life on this planet.

This process I’m describing here might sound smooth the way I’m saying it here and now, but it was deeply challenging…to the bone.  It took all the inner fortitude I could muster and lots of contemplation, experimentation and consistent practice.  When I fell down, I got up and kept going.  Sometimes it took me a longer time to get up, but ultimately, I still did it.

I still meet the challenges of human life with this spirit and know that there will be a way to get through whatever is happening and that I will sharpen my skills, learn new ones and find my way to the next adventure.  Everything I experience serves as great foundational material for serving those that come across my path.  Universal Love is the ‘real deal’ for me.  My heart is Aglow.  And, honing to this Glow relaxes my gut.  How about you?

Self-Respect and Mutual Respect – Respect makes so much sense to me and besides being committed to respecting myself first in all my decisions, I seek an avenue of mutual respect in all my relationships.  It takes a lot of self-awareness, some self-restraint, and a continuous exploration to keep refining the skills that go into thoughtful communication.  I love it.

Mutual respect in relationships brings real satisfaction, lots of fun possibilities and a smooth path to self-confidence that is real and foundational for everything else.  It serves as the foundation of exquisite life experiences with other people.

It is most FUN to stand in the light of my own heart no matter what anyone else says, does or thinks.  It’s not that I don’t care what other people think and feel…I do care and respect each one for where they find themselves and what they must do within the scope of their own life.  However, I must stand in my own true heart and depth of awareness in order for my life to work.  I respect my own rights and the rights of others.  This really works to create a balanced and stable mind.  And, this approach literally saved my emotional life as I was growing and learning…years before I started mentoring and teaching others.

I’m so grateful to have found this pathway for my human psychology.  If not for this, I would not be the person I am today…and I would not be able to stay clear minded and assist others to find their clarity and inner strength.

Come join me in the process of building of mutual respect in relationships.  When you choose this pathway, you’ll know for yourself what I’m talking about and we will have a special type of universal kinship.   It is extremely rewarding and fulfilling.  There is more about this I’ll share as we go along on this sweet road of expression.

Thank you for walking with me a ways down the road.  I hope that something here will inspire you to deepen your own self-connection and help you to tap into your depth of heart and strength.

Write to me, let me know how you are and what you are learning about in this stage of your life.  I’m interested in you.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Bruce Faithwick

    I enjoyed reading “Why should I leave my love because they leave theirs?” I find when I am meditating to quiet the mind and body and listen more to my inner heart that little by little, and with persistence, greater love for myself occurs. It is not a straight line to awareness, but is punctuated with more and less awareness. But over time, greater awareness of my connectedness with other people keeps building as I meditate and contemplate.

    By reflecting how to include the positive human virtues of honesty, respect, compassion I feel a sense of love more and more.

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