Walking the Line – The LINE I’m referring to is one of the most important ones we will ever understand and experience in this life. It is the line between your sensory reality in real time and the working mechanisms in your head. This specifically means the things you make up that are incorrect interpretations of events, distorted projections and assumptions not based in reality.
If you make things up in your mind that are not based on sensory reality and believe that they are valid and apply to real life when they are not…and then make decisions based on what you made up, what will happen as those decisions are lived out?
Please contemplate for a while to help yourself clarify this LINE well. For obvious reasons, this topic can also serve as great discussion among family and friends. As you strengthen your awareness of the LINE, your life will be more stable, clear-minded and you will have a greater opportunity to make well founded decisions that will support ongoing success and satisfaction.
Ultimately this long term contemplation becomes a foundation of self-restraint regarding exaggerations, false assumptions and emotional reactiveness where it doesn’t apply to what is really happening. When you feel emotionally charged, insecure, fearful of the future, over-invested in things that aren’t really about you…the likelihood of going over this line is present. When you go over this line, and invest, your life will be effected. The effects are far reaching. You can really support your own ongoing happiness and fulfillment in your life in all areas…especially with self-confidence and relationships with others when you find ways to self-regulate and not go there. It is important to be able to discern and stay grounded, even in the face of the emotionally charged situations or experiences you are having inside yourself.
As you contemplate this simple set of perspectives, you will become more aware of the profoundness of it.
Once you thoroughly consider the fullness of this topic, the phrase ‘THE LINE’ will take on a new meaning for the rest of your life.
This Blog “Walking the Line” explains the subject so well that everyone can greatly benefit from taking time to contemplate it fully. I feel every person can become more aware of their life and how to make it more peaceful and pleasant.