Grateful to be Live…

Launched Creative Paradigms With Hope, LIVE…last night before going to bed….just before midnight on 8/21/2018.

It felt sweet and celebratory to experience my deepest universal love, creative expression and good will beginning its tangible journey out to humanity…and the ‘energy grid’ of the planet.  May this tangible love be catchy. (smiles)

Thank you to all those that helped me put it together… through friendly encouragement and sparkling inspiration, technical assistance and collaboration artistically.  I am grateful to you all for helping this journey be so wonderfully enjoyable…great FUN.  I will hold you in my heart always.

May the respectful love that accompanies all my posts ongoing be received first smoothly into the collective grid and then tenderly in the hearts of those who read, contemplate and learn from the content.

Also, and perhaps most significant, may the spiritual light and love-charge that quietly comes with each word expressed, serve to inspire the inner awakening of consciousness and creative life in every Soul that comes upon it.

So grateful to be LIVE.

warmly, Hope


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