Why should I leave my love because they leave theirs?
"To Thine Own Heart Be True" - Many years ago, my mentor taught me something through his example. I learned that being devoted to being true to my deep heart…
"To Thine Own Heart Be True" - Many years ago, my mentor taught me something through his example. I learned that being devoted to being true to my deep heart…
“Attitude is more important than facts.” - Each person is free to choose their own. Attitude control has a lot of advantages. When you learn to regulate your own mental and…
"An Ounce of Practice is Worth a Ton of Theory" - Many people stay in their head about personal learning and development of new ways to help their life feel like…
Walking the Line - The LINE I'm referring to is one of the most important ones we will ever understand and experience in this life. It is the line between your sensory…
Launched Creative Paradigms With Hope, LIVE...last night before going to bed....just before midnight on 8/21/2018. It felt sweet and celebratory to experience my deepest universal love, creative expression and good…
Warm, Friendly and Supportive - You know how it feels when entering an environment where you can palpably feel the warmth, a friendly spirit and the sense that your heart will…
I am not my body I am not my mind I am my Soul And my heart is A-glow Imagine what would happen in your mind and your feelings if…
In the face of the tumultuous political and psychological environment of our day, it occurs to me as I bring my site ‘LIVE’ today that this Blog is my personal…